Brush up on your winter driving skills
Driving in Alberta's winter conditions requires a set of roads skills, including being a proactive driver.
Driving in Alberta's winter conditions requires a set of roads skills, including being a proactive driver.
For cold-weather driving conditions, winter tires are the safest choice
Sixteen-year old Cameron Faith took once step closer to independence when he got his driver’s licence.
What to pack for a road trip with your dog, cat or other animal
AMA's Get Back in the Habit campaign is reminding drivers of all experience levels why it's important to brush up on road safety habits.
Stay safe on the road as spring brings unpredictable weather and unique driving challenges.
Driving after dark comes with extra dangers, so keep these safety tips in mind when on the road.
How to avoid collisions with wildlife—and what to do when it happens
More motorcyclists will be on Alberta’s roadways as a result of the pandemic, says Alberta Motorcycle Safety Society
Shorter fall days mean greater risk of wildlife crossing in front of your vehicle
Tips for driving on rural roads with tractors and other agricultural equipment
Improving the visibility of tow truck operators—and the Albertans they’re helping—at the roadside
Expert advice to follow if your vehicle drifts off the road in winter
Winter recovery strategies from Wayne McLachlan, AMA’s chief driving instructor
Alberta’s new impaired driving framework strengthens penalties to make our roads safer
Driving in the country? AMA’s got your back
How one Alberta motorist got her winter driving mojo back with an AMA Driver Education lesson
AMA’s affordable online courses help veteran drivers brush up on their skills
Set a good example by following these safety tips on the way to and from school
The clunks, clicks and squeaks that may be disturbing your smooth, quiet ride