With more time that we spend behind the wheel, it’s no surprise that we might let a few bad habits develop along the way.
But did you know that little things like following too closely, rolling stops, speeding or improper left turns are actually significant contributors to collisions in the province? While 69 percent of Albertans admit they could improve their driving habits, only 1 percent believe other drivers have better habits than them.
That’s why a new campaign from AMA—Get Back in the Habit—aims to shed light on these small habits that make a big difference on the safety of our roads.
“Driving, for many of us, is the riskiest thing we do in a day,” says Jeff Kasbrick, AMA’s vice president of advocacy and operations. “Nearly every collision is preventable, and it’s often the result of a minor driver error. That’s one reason experienced drivers need to focus on getting back into the habit of safe driving when they’re behind the wheel.”
It’s always a good time for drivers—including experienced ones—to remind themselves of the safe driving habits they learned in driving school. “We’re all part of a shared driving community, and each of us can do our part by making sure that we get back in the habit of good driving techniques,” Kasbrick adds.
Make left turns the right way
Unsafe left turns are responsible for an average of over 970 collisions each year in Alberta, making it the third leading cause of casualty collisions in the province. The easiest way to prevent a collision when turning left is to remember: “One at a time; follow the line.” You can also keep these steps in mind:
On a flashing left arrow, you have the right-of-way to turn left.
— On a solid green light, you must yield to oncoming traffic and pedestrians if you’re turning left. If traffic is clear and no pedestrians are crossing, you’re free to turn.
— Keep your wheels straight until it’s time to turn to avoid being pushed into traffic if you’re struck from behind.
— With patience, perfect timing and multiple checks, we can all get back in the habit of making safe left turns.
Visit ama.ab.ca/RoadSafety for more information.