A special message from AMA president and CEO Michelle Chimko:
When I was growing up, magazines played a huge role in how I understood the world. Their vibrant pages were a glossy gateway to news, travel, entertainment, style and everything in between.
The problem was, I didn’t recognize any of the people interviewed, nor had I travelled to any of the featured destinations; in fact, I didn’t take my first plane trip until I was an adult. Every page was aspirational.
When we set out to refresh AMA Insider, we wanted you to truly see yourself within these pages. To find your community in our content, along with news and insights that feel personally meaningful. A magazine you can pick up and say with pride: “This is Canada. This is Alberta. This is AMA.”
A million members strong, the AMA family is as diverse as our province itself. That needs to be reflected here—from the articles we share to the people we feature, as well as the types of offers we promote. We can’t simply be an automobile magazine or a travel magazine. First and foremost, we must be a member magazine.
That means if you read about a local restaurant, you’ll get to know the chef, farmers, or foragers behind it. If you read a travel story, it will focus on the emotional experience—emphasizing people, culture, and connection. And if you see products or services featured in a story, it’s because we’ve curated them for Albertans just like you.
As we continue to evolve how we communicate—reflecting the needs and preferences of all our members—we’ll be focusing equally on the digital side of the magazine through online-exclusive articles at AMAInsider.com. From monthly roundups of things to do around the province and compelling member profiles, to ways to get the most out of membership, you’ll find it on our website.
But we also know many of our members love the experience of leafing through the print edition—often leaving it on your coffee table or clipping your favourite stories. If that’s you, you can feel good knowing that our magazine partners share AMA’s commitment to the environment.
Fully 98 percent of our publisher’s paper purchases are from recycled product or are third-party verified to have been sourced via sustainable forestry practices. That means that paper used in AMA Insider won’t negatively affect long-term forest health, thanks to replanting and other efforts to retain original forest cover.
For decades, magazines have been a portal to other worlds—expanding our knowledge of places and people unseen. But there’s also something exciting about a magazine that’s informed by everyday life: seeing local restaurants you love, neighbours you admire, corner retailers you enjoy, and travel destinations endorsed by your fellow Albertans.
I hope you like our new look and invite you to share your thoughts at AMAInsider@ama.ab.ca.
The spring 2023 edition of AMA Insider will arrive in mailboxes starting March 14, 2023. You can also read the digital edition of the magazine here.