Q&A with Country’s Corb Lund

By Alison LaMantia

Canadian country and western singer-songwriter Corb Lund spends a lot of time on the road. Lunch and his band, The Hurtin’ Albertans, are touring North America and Europe this spring (2024) following the release of El Viejo, an entirely acoustic album produced in his Lethbridge living room. But when Lund isn’t caught up in the whirlwind of touring, he embraces peace and quiet and hunkers down at his family ranch in Cardston, where the views are spectacular and the beauty unmatched.

In this Q&A, Lund talks with Insider all about Ian Tyson, the lure of ranch life and what he’s got against Texas Hold’em.

You dedicated El Viejo to the memory of your friend, the legendary country musician Ian Tyson. Do you have a favourite memory of him?

There’s a bunch. One of the most memorable ones was when CBC was shooting a documentary and Ian brought his performance horses up to our ranch in Cardston. CBC was filming and his mare just about bucked me off.

There’s a casino theme to some of your songs and I know you like poker. Is there a memorable casino or night that stands out?

I played in a World Series of Poker event in Las Vegas. I didn’t make the final table, but I didn’t embarrass myself. I play a form of poker called Omaha—I find Texas Hold’em boring. I kind of have a chip on my shoulder about it because it just wiped out all the other poker games.

Is there a tour stop that’s a favourite—a place you look forward to returning to?

I like Ireland a lot. I just really like the people. They have a real deep appreciation for music…and a sort of gallows humour that I enjoy. You can be in a pub in Ireland and a jam will break out, just playing the best Irish music you’ve ever heard. I really like the American West too, from Alberta all the way to Texas.

What’s your favourite western store?

Western Stockman in Lethbridge.

Favourite hat builder?

Smithbilt Hats in Calgary.

What makes being at your family ranch so special?

The geography. And, well, I grew up there with my grandparents. I’ve travelled and played music all over the world and I’m probably a little biased, but I’ve never seen landscapes like those in southern-western Alberta.