Kataryzyna Bialasie / iStock

Home Winterization Checklist 

By AMA Staff

Our homes really take the brunt of harsh Alberta winters, and if you’re not careful, it can start to show. The good news: Some simple DIY preventative maintenance before the frost arrives can help avoid any unpleasant surprises throughout the colder months. 

– Turn off the valve to outdoor water faucets, and then completely drain water from the hose and outdoor faucet. Water left in the pipes can freeze and potentially cause them to burst, resulting in costly damage and even black mould.  

– Clear out leaves from the eavestroughs, so melting snow can drain off the roof and onto the ground, instead of leaking into your home.  

– Hire a professional to inspect the furnace and identify issues that could lead to heating failure and compromised indoor air quality, including carbon monoxide leaks.  

– Store patio furniture in the garage or use a weather-resistant cover to prolong its life.

  • Check your roof and replace any loose or missing shingles to prevent water from seeping into the attic.  

– Leaving for more than four days? Your insurance policy may require you to turn off the main water valve and drain the pipes to mitigate freezing, have someone check your home every day, or install a temperature-sensor alarm. 

Once your home is ready for the next season, make sure you get your vehicle prepared for winter as well.